Showing posts with label commercial drones for sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commercial drones for sale. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

WIFI FPV Version U818A Drone with 720P HD Camera 

Don’t you hate it when you buy a drone and it has all these accessory parts but never comes with the actual accessory? I hated that with my old drone, so I went searching for a new drone that could deliver a lot more. This camera drone is just awesome, and I haven’t had any problems while using it. I was a bit worried that it wouldn’t be good since it is so cheap at $109, but I was pleasantly surprised. To get a high quality drone with a camera, this is an absolute steal. I was shocked that it is such good quality.

Best Features

Perhaps the greatest feature of all on this drone is the camera it comes with. You don’t have to buy another camera to mount, the camera is actually built into the drone itself. It is 720p HD, so it is going to play beautifully on that big screen TV that you have. It also has real-time wifi transmission, which is a really cool feature I didn’t know that most drones don’t have. Basically what it means is you can see what you are filming at the time and then upload it to social media. Flying it is very easy because it is headless, plus it has a double battery.

What’s Included

When you order this you get the drone, the remote control, and the two double batteries.


This drone flies for ten minutes, which is a lot longer than most drones that fly for around six. Plus, this drone has the camera, so you don’t need to purchase anything else, which is very nice since I have been on a budget. For just about $100, you get everything you could possibly want in a drone. I love how durable the frame is, and so far I haven’t had any accidents with the drone. That could be because I’m getting better at learning to fly, but it could also be because this drone is headless. The black color is very cool too.


The remote buttons are a bit confusing. You get used to them, but it felt weird at first.

Final Verdict

Honestly, I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase this drone again. It is very easy to fly, and I really enjoy how cheap it is. I wanted a camera with my drone, but I didn’t want to fork over hundreds of dollars for the set up. This was a nice compromise without sacrificing any of the quality.

WOBOX RC Drone with 2MP HD Camera RC Quadcopter

4CH 6-Axis Gyroscope 2.4 GHz Remote Control Quadcopter W11 (4G SD Card & Card Reader Included)

I’m finally free! At least, that’s how I felt when I first flew my drone. No one could prepare me for the peacefulness and sureness I would feel when I was able to see the world from above. I live near these rolling hills, so I went there to see it all from above and fell in love with my town all over again. The drone did a great job capturing the sunset over the rolling hills, and I even printed out the photo to put above our fireplace. Not to mention, this drone is perfect for events. My niece got married and asked to borrow it for a group photo, and it worked perfect to get all the guests in one photo. We made this really cool design with all of us standing in a heart, and it wouldn’t have been able to happen without this drone.

Best Features

The camera on this drone is amazing. It is so fun to fly, and I was so excited to get it out of the box. You can hook it up so you can see everything you are doing in real time. It is really neat, and it is how my photos turn out so great on my phone. It is very smooth and stable while flying, and the control distance is pretty far. It is a small drone, but it does the job for me well.

What’s Included

USB ChargerX1, Propeller X 4, Screwdriver X 1, Instructions X 1, 4G SD Card X 1, Card reader X 1


Well, this drone is everything I wanted. It is perfect for beginners and you don’t really need to worry about it breaking. I have dropped it once or twice and nothing bad has happened, so I am assured that it is made from some high quality stuff. Plus, the design on this drone is really cool. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to spot in the sky. The remote control is easy to figure out, and it reminded me of playing a video game in real life.


I wish it would tell me how many feet I have left in my range so I never have to worry about losing it.

Final Verdict

Well, I wish I could say I hate it, but I don’t. That means that you all need to buy it! This is such a great drone, and I promise you are going to love it just like I do. I wish I had gotten it sooner, because I can think of so many events I would have wanted to use it at. This drone has made my days so much more fun, and my whole family loves it! You need this drone! Plus, for $55.99, can you really say no? It’s such a great price!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Drone Helicopters

Drone helicopters are increasing in popularity every single year, mainly because of the advances in technology that makes them so appealing but also because they are hitting the market by storm so are freely available. Most drone helicopters are quadrotors, which means that they are lifted and kept up by four separate rotors although you can get some that vary from this. For this reason, many of the designs are known as ‘quadcopters’ which is an amalgamation of the two.

These devices normally use two different sets of propellers; one set of two will go clockwise with the other set going counter-clockwise. This keeps the device stable when in the air and able to quickly change direction in all conditions. Due to the success of the drones, production actually begun on a larger scale version of the quadcopters but ultimately ended in failure. At first, many people believed that a helicopter would benefit from the counteracting rotors instead of the front rotor and the rear vertical rotor (which actually produces little lift and therefore little help to the taking-off process). Many test vehicles appeared around the world in the early to mid-1900s and were, at first, a success and were many of the early vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. However, this soon came to an end after many problems including poor and inconsistent performance. Improvement was thought to have been made a few years later only to suffer again as the workload of the pilot became too heavy.

With advancements in technology in recent years, quadcopters have benefitted hugely from additions such as cameras, GPS as well as better and more efficient designs that now allow the user to use the drone inside and outside. These devices are now small and lightweight making it easier to carry around as well as fly. Quadcopters have also been used for research into unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as a result of their efficiency.

Quadcopters are often cheaper than original remote control helicopters because of their size and their lower cost of production. They are also known for causing less damage because they have smaller blades meaning that they produce less kinetic energy. The risk of any damage can also be further diminished with the addition of rotor protection that is available that will not affect the performance of the drone.

It was at the beginning of the twentieth century in 1907 that the first product of this idea came to light when Louis Breguet designed and built a four-rotor helicopter. Though it only flew a few feet from the ground a couple of times, it is widely seen as the first product of its type. It would take over ten years for somebody else to follow up on Breguet’s hard work when a French helicopter designer built a number of different aircraft. One of which was made up of four rotors and up to eight propellers (which included many clockwise but also counter-clockwise). This device started with small flights but could stay in the air for several minutes by 1923. This was seen as a success thus being the catalyst for all future four-rotor vehicles.

Commercial Drones

When you ask someone what they think of when you say ‘drone’ they will often head straight towards the military when in fact, the commercial drones market is more lucrative. The commercial drones industry is growing by approximately 20% every single year and the industry has expanded as a result. The introduction of high-quality cameras and efficient GPS coupled with sleek design has meant that more people use quadcopters for recreational use than ever before.

DJI, a Chinese company founded in 2006, is the market leader in recreational drones and is set to hit $1 billion in revenue next year. With a product range that includes the Phantom 3 and the Inspire 1, their products are widely used around the world in a number of different industries including farming and policing. DJI’s devices have also been associated with the solution to many natural disasters as drones can be used to hunt for hurricanes or search for the cause of a forest fire and help to keep the fire under control. Their products now offer customers high quality photo and video recording abilities, efficient GPS systems and application support. An app provided by DJI allows its customers to change settings on the drone to ensure the highest possible picture quality, stream 4k (60fps) video straight to an iOS or android device and access inflight telemetry.

It is believed that by the year 2025, commercial drones could be responsible for billions of dollars in the economy. Over 100,000 jobs will be attributed to the drone market which in turn creates a significant amount of money in tax and there are no signs of this slowing down anytime soon. The industry is booming and that is exactly what a high-investment market needs. The fact that these companies are doing so well means that they are able to reinvest in bigger and better products with even more features which will, in turn, help the market to grow even more. It is a never-ending positive cycle that will not be broken while people have a healthy amount of disposable income.

Could it be long before these drones are being used without any human involvement at all? The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has predicted that in just three years, these drones or quadrotors will be able to complete jobs such as delivering parcels without any human oversight whatsoever. The drone market is constantly changing and the rules and regulations are always changing as a result. For now, drones can only be flown in a position where they can be seen by the user but many industries want this law changed so that they can use the quadcopters more efficiently. For example, a train company wants to know exactly where the rail is broken which can be a tricky procedure if the drone has to be in sight at all times. This is something that the FAA is likely to consider as it can also help to save lives by preventing workers from entering potentially dangerous situations.

With new technologies being announced every single year, who or what is going to stop this unprecedented market growth for the commercial drone market?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Commercial DronesWhen you ask someone what they think of when you say ‘drone’ they will often head straight towards the military when in fact, the commercial drones market is more lucrative. The commercial drones industry is growing by approximately 20% every single year and the industry has expanded as a result. The introduction of high-quality cameras and efficient GPS coupled with sleek design has meant that more people use quadcopters for recreational use than ever before.

DJI, a Chinese company founded in 2006, is the market leader in recreational drones and is set to hit $1 billion in revenue next year. With a product range that includes the Phantom 3 and the Inspire 1, their products are widely used around the world in a number of different industries including farming and policing. DJI’s devices have also been associated with the solution to many natural disasters as drones can be used to hunt for hurricanes or search for the cause of a forest fire and help to keep the fire under control. Their products now offer customers high quality photo and video recording abilities, efficient GPS systems and application support. An app provided by DJI allows its customers to change settings on the drone to ensure the highest possible picture quality, stream 4k (60fps) video straight to an iOS or android device and access inflight telemetry.

It is believed that by the year 2025, commercial drones could be responsible for billions of dollars in the economy. Over 100,000 jobs will be attributed to the drone market which in turn creates a significant amount of money in tax and there are no signs of this slowing down anytime soon. The industry is booming and that is exactly what a high-investment market needs. The fact that these companies are doing so well means that they are able to reinvest in bigger and better products with even more features which will, in turn, help the market to grow even more. It is a never-ending positive cycle that will not be broken while people have a healthy amount of disposable income.

Could it be long before these drones are being used without any human involvement at all? The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has predicted that in just three years, these drones or quadrotors will be able to complete jobs such as delivering parcels without any human oversight whatsoever. The drone market is constantly changing and the rules and regulations are always changing as a result. For now, drones can only be flown in a position where they can be seen by the user but many industries want this law changed so that they can use the quadcopters more efficiently. For example, a train company wants to know exactly where the rail is broken which can be a tricky procedure if the drone has to be in sight at all times. This is something that the FAA is likely to consider as it can also help to save lives by preventing workers from entering potentially dangerous situations.

With new technologies being announced every single year, who or what is going to stop this unprecedented market growth for the commercial drone market?

Drone Aerial Photography

The addition of cameras to drones may have just changed the way many industries run forever. They can be used to check areas that were previously impossible to see such as piping when checking safety and security, they can be used to keep control of policing situations such as riots and protests and they are even used in movies. Look out for it next time you watch a film, normally the video will start in the air like a plane and then move across giving the viewer a wonderful aerial shot that will be remembered.

Most drones that are available nowadays come with a built-in camera and a high quality one at that. If you own an old quadrotor and are looking to attach a camera of your own then a ‘GoPro’ camera is a good option however, you do have to consider the vibrations of the drone as this will affect the quality of the pictures that you take as well as the videos that you shoot. Built-in cameras offer a much more reliable quality consistently. Before shooting your first video you may also want to invest in a transmitter that will allow you to increase the range of connectivity when flying as well as broadcast video live from your drone.

You may look at some pictures that have been taken on a drone and compare them to yours and wonder how in earth theirs look so good yet yours barely classify as a picture. Here are some tips to remember when taking pictures or shooting videos from your drone!

Firstly, your camera is likely to get knocked around by the wind whilst in the air so make sure you are using a shorter lens to counteract this. If you couple a short lens with a fast shutter speed, you are likely to see dramatic improvements in your photography right away. A good rule of thumb to receive top quality is around 1/1000 second at 200mm and 1/500 second at 100mm. These combinations will allow you to take sharp, crisp photos no matter what conditions.

Another great tip when taking pictures from your drone is to set your camera to high contrast if haze becomes a problem (which it often does). If the problem is really bad to the point where you are getting black and white video, you may also want to shoot with a red filter. Normally, using any sort of filters such as ‘UV’ and ‘Haze’ tends to worsen the picture quality when in the air but the red filter will help to add colour.

Of course, it is important to have fun when attempting photography with your drone but you also have to remain sensible at all times. Do not go out on the streets on your first day having never flown a drone before because this can actually be quite dangerous. Also, think about where you are flying your drone; avoid flying near an airport where you could be causing serious problems. It all comes down to confidence and this will come with practice. The more you practice, the more you will learn and therefore the better your pictures will get!